Premio Gadda bando 2012 Stampa E-mail
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EDINBURGH GADDA PRIZE (Edinburgh 2012) -

Rules and Registration for all Prizes, incl. Novecento in Saggio 

Registration Hub for all Prizes -

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Closing date for scholarly categories: 31 March 2012


GADDUS SCHOLARS - irregularity in (the body of) literature, film, theatre, critical theory

Call for proposals (scadenza 31 maggio 2012) -

BORSE PER MASTER (scadenza 31 maggio 2012) -

Master by Research in Gadda Studies -

Master by Research in Italian Diaspora Studies -




Edinburgh 2012 will be complemented by Gaddus The Award Ceremony for all categories, including the junior awards, will take place at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 22 September 2012, following the British Premiere of Fabrizio Gifuni's award-winning "Gadda va alla guerra".


Crolla Amato Gadda Prize. Authors and publishers may enter works on Carlo Emilio Gadda published between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2011. Book-length monographs, commented editions, translations, substantial book chapters and journal articles are eligible. Works in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are eligible.

Gadda First. Authors and publishers may enter a first work on Carlo Emilio Gadda. This must be either a submitted Doctoral Thesis or a published first work with a submission / publication date between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2011. Book-length monographs, commented editions, translations, substantial book chapters and journal articles are eligible. Works in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are eligible. Authors must be 35 or under by the closing date.

Novecento in Saggio. Authors and publishers may enter book-length monographs, critical works and commented editions on one or more 20thC Italian creative prose writers. Submissions must have a publication date between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2011. Works in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are eligible. Edited works and proceedings are not eligible.


Federica G. Pedriali

Professor of Literary Metatheory and Modern Italian Studies

 Edinburgh Gadda Journal Director and General Editor

Edinburgh Gadda Prize Executive Director and Committee Chair

Head of Italian Studies

School of Literatures Languages and Cultures

University of Edinburgh

David Hume Tower

George Square

Edinburgh EH8 9JX

Scotland UK

direct dial: +44 0131 650 3642

fax: +44 0131 651 1482

Edinburgh Gadda Journal:

Edinburgh Gadda Prize:


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in

Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Ultimo aggiornamento Domenica 01 Aprile 2012 02:27