20 e 21 ottobre 2020 Programma Per iscriversi, mandare una…

The Cultural Heritage and Memory of Totalitarianism
Call for applications
Sapienza Summer School
Organized by the Department of Literature and Modern Cultures
Rome, June 14 – 25, 2021
Directors: Franca Sinopoli (Università di Roma, Sapienza) and Franco Baldasso (Bard College, NY)
The Cultural Heritage and Memory of Totalitarianism explores the legacy of Fascism in Italy blending unique in situ visits to art, architecture and historical monuments led by international experts and classes on literature, film and culture led by Sapienza faculty. The goal is to broaden the scholarly assessment of the period and to suggest innovative curricula for students in the humanities, who are also interested in working in museums and cultural institutes in Italy and abroad. The heritage of Fascism will be approached in the context of Nazism and Stalinism, and framed within the broader scenario of European colonialism. Special focus will be given to the analysis of totalitarianism’s influence on postcolonial dictatorships and post-WWII culture.
Students will be solicited to elaborate on the transnational impact of artistic and cultural experiences born in Italy and especially Rome, beginning with visual and literary texts that interpret Fascism and the transition to democracy.
Duration and organization of teaching activities
The course lasts two weeks, from June 14 to June 25, 2021.
Total teaching activity is 79 hours. Among these, 40 hours are dedicated to class activities such as lectures, discussions and workshops, while the remaining hours are divided into guided visits to museums, monuments, specific sites of special cultural interest, and other field activities.
Students are required to total a minimum 75% attendance at the School to receive an attendance certificate and the 10 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) in the relative field as per the rules and regulations of the Bachelors and Masters programs.
The schedule of the course is available on the website of the Summer School.
Number of participants
The course is targeted to international and Italian graduate students in the Humanities, who are interested in disciplines such as memory and heritage studies, comparative literature and history, but also in curatorial and museum studies. BA students working on their final project are also eligible.
How to apply
The guidelines for the application process can be found on the website of the Summer School.
Deadline for submission: 1 February 2021.
The selection will be carried out by the admission and administration office. The list of admitted
students will be published on the website of the Summer School.
After the online publication of admissions, students will be able to enroll in the School and pay the
tuition fees.
Tuition fee
Tuition fee is € 1500 + € 16 tax.
Special offer inclusive of on-campus housing: € 2500 + € 16 tax, with lodging (single room and
breakfast) for the duration of the entire course at the historical residence Casa dell’Aviatore,
Sapienza Università Campus (Viale dell’Università 20, 00185 Rome).
Tuition fees are due by 31 March 2021.
Students with recognized disabilities equal to or greater than 66% or with recognition of handicap
pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1 and 3, of the law of 5 February 1992, n. 104 are exempt from 50%
of the registration fee. Tuition fees will be refunded if the Course is not activated.
Further information
Visit the Summer School website: https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/culturalheritage
Write to: summerschoolculturalheritage.lcm@uniroma1.it