Ricezione, riscritture e traduzioni de «La Coscienza di Zeno» di Italo…
New deadline: CFP International Interdisciplinary conference: INDELIBLE (Eng) / INDELEBILE (It) – Representation in the arts of (in)visible violence against women and their resistance
23-25 October 2019 – Adelaide (South Australia)
Visual arts, performing arts and literature are instrumental in exposing the complexity of the numerous forms that violence against women and girls can take in the contemporary world, as well as exploring new and old forms of resistance.
Our interdisciplinary conference aims to contribute to the ‘glocal’ conversation on the topic of gendered violence and at the same time raise awareness of the global extent of the problem, by analysing ways in which both such violence and resistance to it are represented in the arts. While a key strand of the conference will concern the arts in contemporary Italy, its scope will be broad, encouraging comparison with other societies across space and time.
In line with this aim, we welcome papers engaging with any of the following (and associated) topics, in relation to poetry, literature, theatre, opera, music, cinema or other visual arts:
Family violence
Places and sites of violence
War, conflict and violence
Migration, diaspora and violence
Resistance vs politics
Language and images of violence and resistance
Myth in representations of violence
Historical developments and representations viewed through a contemporary lens
Activism and international campaigns (including #MeToo / #wetoogether / #TimesUp / Se non ora quando / Non una di meno / La violenza non è amore / Panchine rosse)
Key-note speakers: Dacia Maraini (writer, dramaturg, screenwriter)
Prof. Sarah Wendt (Flinders): Qualitative research into sensitive and emotionally laden topics can pose a number of challenges for researchers. This presentation offers reflections from a social work researcher who has led multiple feminist-based qualitative research studies enabling positive experiences of participation for women who have survived domestic violence. It is argued, women can identify new insights, find alternative ways of looking at their experiences, and access opportunities to debrief in a unique way in the research interview setting that differs from counselling experiences.
There will also be performances programmed, and in particular one we have sponsored and are particularly proud of:
Passi affrettati by Dacia Maraini
In the English translation, Hurried Steps, by Sharon Wood
presented by RedVentures Theatre Action Group, Brisbane
Open to the public
Hurried steps tells a series of stories of women and girls from around the world who have experienced violence and persecution. The stories differ in their cultural contexts but have in common heartfelt, optimistic beginnings and a devastating progression. In writing this play, Dacia Maraini adapted, amalgamated and dramatised testimonies given to Amnesty International.
The performance, in rehearsed-reading style, will be followed by a forum discussion to allow further exploration of the issues raised, with a panel of people experienced in working in women’s support services.
“With hurried steps these women flee from pain and discrimination. But all too often these steps are halted, stopped, nailed down, made to turn back upon themselves… Inspired by real facts reported by Amnesty International, the text is a testimony, an accusation, a gesture of solidarity and acknowledgment of all those women who are still prisoners of forced marriage, of a violent family, of a pimp, of tradition or of age-old discriminations which are so difficult to overcome.”
Please send a 250-300 word abstract (in Italian or English) and a short bio to Luciana d’Arcangeli, luciana.darcangeli@flinders.edu.au, in an email titled “ACIS 2019 INDELIBLE-INDELEBILE”, by 30 March 2019. A selection of papers will be published in a special issue of a highly ranked journal or dedicated volume.
This conference is supported by the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) and is part of the ACIS Visual and Performing Arts Research Group project
Please click here for more information and to register: https://www.flinders.edu.au/engage/culture/whats-on/international-interdisciplinary-conference.html